Look for many more of these HS senior portraits on our blog soon as we venture into the HS Senior market...and be sure you send any seniors you know our way, we have awesome incentives for them right now to help us spread the word!!
Meet beautiful Karsen, who was an amazing trooper for me, heading all the way out to Deep Ellum at 8am on a Sunday morning. But thank goodness she did!!!
Hi and thanks for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere! I am Deanna Devine, children, baby and family photographer based in Dallas, TX. This blog is where you will find my most current work and information, and you can also chuckle at my constant struggle to keep up with 3 little kids and a succesful business. It's really ok if you do. Since you're here, be sure and drop a comment or two, and feel free to ask any questions!