Monday, August 28, 2006

Behind the Scenes-My ramblings for this week

Let me preface this post by saying, I am NOT a writer! So my little rambling posts will be just that---rambling!!
I am exhausted, you guys. I was thinking this morning when I was rolling my giant belly out of bed how naive I was to think that I would be able to do a normal amount of work, much less a "Holiday" rush, while 8 months pregnant. I am moving awfully slow these days, and I really want to apologize to all my clients who are waiting on me. I have phone calls and emails coming out my ears, and yet my baby, my body, and my children are also demanding my full attention. I am trying to balance it all and have been SO BLESSED with the greatest clients in the entire world who understand my dilemma and have been so very gracious. I am playing super-catch up this week and hope to be to a place in September where I am proofing your images the night after your session. I don't know if that will honestly happen, but I'm working on it with the motivation of being completely able to enjoy my maternity leave with my sweet Maddy.
Next week I will be offering a sale on Holiday Cards to clients who had sessions this year and it will be an awesome watch here for that.
Also, many calls and emails have come in asking about booking sessions after my maternity leave-the answer is, yes, I am booking those currently and will fill up fast-so the sooner you book them, the better. I begin taking clients again the week of November 13th, am off the weekend of Thanksgiving, and then begin again Nov 27th.
I'm headed into another late night of proofing to try and get caught up, but wanted to take a minute to give a little update. Thank you all again for being so understanding and supportive!


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