Welcome to a sneak peek of what I may now consider my best. photoshoot. EVER. And because of that it's gonna be huge. (Well that and because the subjects are VIP's)
TOTALLY doing mini sessions at the State Fair next year.
Hi and thanks for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere! I am Deanna Devine, children, baby and family photographer based in Dallas, TX. This blog is where you will find my most current work and information, and you can also chuckle at my constant struggle to keep up with 3 little kids and a succesful business. It's really ok if you do. Since you're here, be sure and drop a comment or two, and feel free to ask any questions!
Love. Love. Love!!!
When I saw the sneak peek on FB, I was going to suggest doing sessions next year at the fair LOL!
I've been a huge fan of your work for a long time, but this is just amazing! It totally rocks!
Deanna you so out did your self! In the words of Rachel Zoe: THESE.ARE.BANANAS.BA-NA-AS!! TO.DIE.JUST.DIE.OH.MY.GOD.
Freaking incredible as always D!
LOVE!! I have been waiting to see these! Denise- great idea and De FABULOUS WORK!! I want my own state fair shoot next year. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Your photos are always amazing. These - art! Pure wonderful art!
I don't know you, but Denise posted your blog on facebook, and I just wanted to drop by and tell you that you do beautiful work.
Oh these are awesome!!!!
Thank you everyone :) D-I can't tell you how happy it makes me that you love them. Thank you for coming up with the idea!
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