SALE--$50 off the DM
Photographer's Info Packet
Now through Wednesday, October 24th, 2007:
Packets are regularly $295 and include marketing pieces, ideas, forms, information on vendors and suppliers, portrait process description, and answers to my most frequently asked questions. Also includes technical information on natural light setups and inspiration cards, all sent through email via .pdf. Great for those just starting out in the business or pros wanting some fresh ideas.
Information Packets are only available for those outside of the DFW market
Email us with "blog special" in the subject line to order and receive your discount. We accept Visa, MC, and Paypal payments
Example of one of the "inspiration" cards included:

Can you provide a little detail on what is included in the portrait description piece?
Sure! The "process of a portrait" is a description of my workflow, beginning when a client calls to book a session and ending when I deliver their portraits to them. It is geared a little more towards the business side of photography.
There are also 10 of the above featured "inspiration" cards that describe technical ways to achieve ideal lighting, working with kids, working indoors, etc. that are geared more towards the artistic/technical side of photography.
The FAQ's covers technical, artistic, and business topics.
Hope that helps but let me know if you have anymore questions.
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