Monday, December 17, 2007

The true spirit of Christmas

First of all, congratulations to the family of our little sleeping star baby, whose image got the most votes for image of the year!

I had the absolute coolest thing happen to me tonight. I opened my door to yell at some construction workers who were working on our street at 9 pm, look down, and noticed a little package and card sitting on my doorstep. I decided to forego the yelling out of curiousity :)

I opened the letter and saw this:

"December 2007

Dear Deanna,
This holiday season our family is celebrating the people who have decorated our lives with the light of Jesus Christ. You are one of these people. We have noticed that you are a very caring and thoughtful person. You are very generous with your time, talents and resources. You have a great capacity for love that causes you to reach out to those who are suffering. We admire you for the way you offer your heart to others. Thank you for being an example to our family and showing us how to be more like our Savior, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas!

Your Friends"

I cry as I type this letter out to you guys. I hope that whomever left this on my doorstep is reading this right now, because if I could give you the most giant hug, I would. It meant more to me at this time in my life than you could ever know and I can't thank you and your family enough. I will keep this letter close to me always and read it countless times. I've never experienced such a gift before and I am truly, truly grateful.

I share this with my readers to "pay it forward"...maybe this will spark an idea for you to do something kind with your children to show them the true meaning and joy of Christmas. Such a thoughtful gesture could go so much further than you will ever know.

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