I've had a bit of a break since the holidays, trying to get my life running again
(hi single mom of 3 lots of balls up in the air wheeeeee!) I normally take all of January off but decided this year to take a few sessions, which you will be seeing previews of in the next few days. My January work is usually my best, after the grind of the holidays I'm looking for new angles and ideas and colors and inspiration. Can't wait to get that going.
Also, by popular demand, I'm planning a
Devine U Workshop. I'm looking at the date of Saturday, February 6th. If you would be interested in this, let me know and we'll firm up a date. Devine U workshops are small and informal, very hands-on, and I teach you guys, the parents, how to use your Fancy Schmancy DSLR's that you got for Christmas but really have no idea how to use, or how to get the best from it. We cover the basics of photography, lighting, and even a little on Photoshop and editing. The workshop is 2.5 hours and cost is $250 per attendee.
Read a few reviews of the workshop here.
I'd also like to say thanks to everyone who asks about my Dad. We've had a very rough month again, with seizures and pneumonia and C-DIFF and he was on a ventilator for a while, but he's making baby steps again and hopefully can get well enough to get on some sort of road to recovery. It has now been 10 months since his surgery and he has yet to go home, really speak, or find a doctor who knows what to do for him. This month marks one year since he called me up and told me he had a brain tumor. It still feels so surreal and I miss "him" every day. You can still follow our updates on him here: www.caringbridge.org/visit/bobdevine
We appreciate your love and prayers so much.