I remember my son's first day of Kindergarten...I cried for a week or so and was really honestly depressed for awhile. He was so happy and loved it, but the transition was really hard for me. So this goes out to all you mommies out there who had to send your baby to Kindergarten today. It's rough! I have one more year before my middle child goes to Kindergarten and even the thought of that makes me feel ill.
But then there are the moms who have done this before and spent the entire summer counting down the days until their bored-to-tears constantly-needing-entertainment-school-aged kids headed back to school, and yes, I'll admit to being in this category. Although my son, who is now in THIRD grade (I still have to say it out loud to believe it) began riding his bike to school this year and that has been a bitter pill to swallow. As of now I'm still following him on foot, and eventually will probably move up to stalking I mean following him in my car. Not sure if or when I'll be ready to let him do it alone!!
That being said I need to let everyone know that my schedule is packed beyond belief for the next 2-3 weeks. Aside from the normal pre-Holiday rush, I have three different children starting at three different schools this year. This means three Meet the Teachers, three parent orientations, three classroom visitations, three first days of school, and none of them are at the same time, just nice and spread out over a 2 1/2 week period. So if I am difficult to reach, I apologize in advance as I am probably somewhere avoiding the "Volunteer sign up sheet" at one of my children's schools (can one of you please tell them how busy I really am??)
And finally a sneak peek for two of my sweet Baby Planners, who both had their second of four sessions with me last weekend!
First up, may be the most photographed entryway in the entire universe. Not only do we use it for Robin and her clan, but we even borrow it for Robin's friends (stay tuned next time for an awesome maternity session shot here!) Why, do you ask, do we always use the entryway? Aside from the beautiful hardwoods, it just has the greatest natural light!
Baby girls must have tutus! 

1 comment:
Wow! What adorable babies. Great expressions too.
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