...but I had other plans. She's always following me around with that camera and I
just can't take it anymore.
First she took me to the back patio but I was just too interested in the patterned brick to stand up...

Then she decided to take me out front. I love to make her crazy so I immediately started to walk when I saw that her camera settings weren't ready yet...

She picked me back up, stood me up and told me to try again, because now her camera settings were right, but I just looked at her like she was nuts. You snooze, you lose, you know??

My poor Mommy looked a little frazzled at this point so I decided to flash her this quick smile before I had a complete meltdown.

She says we'll try again tomorrow. We'll just see about that!
Yay! Way to go baby girl!
Gosh! I can't believe how fast she's growing up.
WHAT!? Is this her?! Gosh, she's grown. She is so beautiful, Deanna. Jace still isn't walking. I am completely fine with it, since his brother took off at 10 months and has been going ever since. But I secretly can't wait to watch him take his first steps. Such an exciting milestone.
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