Also, our induction date has Saturday, October 7th is now the official big day, 8AM. We'll have pictures posted ASAP!
The office is going to be closed next week, and then Pam will be here beginning Oct. 11th on M/W only. Call her at the office or email her at if you need anything. She is taking appointments for after my leave is over, placing orders, packaging orders and arranging deliveries, and answering questions. We appreciate your patience during this transition!!
Anyways, here is a tiny little piece of what my past few weeks have been filled with:
Birthday boys chasing cars...

Families who are nuts about their new babies:

Daddies and their boys:

Beauties who have grown up in front of my lens in fabulous clothes:

More birthday boys with the sweetest faces and moody lighting:

And even some (ok one) teenage beauties (this is Pam's daughter!)

I'll miss you all and will keep in touch with lots of pictures of Maddy!