Amber, Denise's best friend who has flown in from Alaska to be with the family, will be updating the Seibert's blog with the latest... Living Strong
Christopher is on oxygen today and it looks like hospice HAS been worked out, THANK GOD.
Total donations so far have totaled around $2700!! This is just about $1000 more since the last time I had checked!! This is FABULOUS!! But they still need more---one bill alone is over $3K. Please continue to ask friends and family to donate, at
Please continue to pray for Christopher, Denise, and Ethan.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Another request for Seiberts
If anyone has any connections with HOSPICE---Denise and Christopher's insurance is NOT COVERING in-home Hospice care. Devastating. Please get in touch with us if you have any connections in this industry!!!
*Updated information*
I just wanted to add an update without losing this post.
Although I'm waiting to hear back about the donation amount, I'm sure that there just can't be enough. Between the medical bills, Denise's loss of Christopher's income and possible loss of their home, continued medical bills for their son Ethan (who will now have an 80% chance of having the same type of cancer and must be screened starting around age 10) , there just can't be enough donations. (again the website is This blog has hundreds of readers per day, if each of you could just give $10, it would make SUCH a huge difference!!!!!
Thanks to the kindness and generosity of our blog readers, friends, and Denise's AMAZING neighbors and church, many of their needs have been met!!! A lawyer provided their service, a mother's helper has been found, many have offered housecleaning services, and several offers for grocery and food have been provided. I am so moved by this, I have been in tears the last two days. I can't express to you how much this helps. Denise and Christopher, because of your generosity, will be able to ease their minds of everyday life and concentrate on each other in these final days. THANK YOU.
Please keep sending in your offers for help. If you are able to provide a meal, please email Mitzi at .
I just got back from my cousin's wedding in E. Tx, but have had a rather upsetting couple of days. Denise Seibert, whom I recently asked prayers for her family, stopped by my house yesterday (Friday) evening to drop off my son's party invitations that she had designed. When I asked how things were going, she couldn't hold back the tears. Doctors on Wednesday had told Christopher and Denise that there was no point in continuing chemo.
*Updated information*
I just wanted to add an update without losing this post.
Although I'm waiting to hear back about the donation amount, I'm sure that there just can't be enough. Between the medical bills, Denise's loss of Christopher's income and possible loss of their home, continued medical bills for their son Ethan (who will now have an 80% chance of having the same type of cancer and must be screened starting around age 10) , there just can't be enough donations. (again the website is This blog has hundreds of readers per day, if each of you could just give $10, it would make SUCH a huge difference!!!!!
Thanks to the kindness and generosity of our blog readers, friends, and Denise's AMAZING neighbors and church, many of their needs have been met!!! A lawyer provided their service, a mother's helper has been found, many have offered housecleaning services, and several offers for grocery and food have been provided. I am so moved by this, I have been in tears the last two days. I can't express to you how much this helps. Denise and Christopher, because of your generosity, will be able to ease their minds of everyday life and concentrate on each other in these final days. THANK YOU.
Please keep sending in your offers for help. If you are able to provide a meal, please email Mitzi at .
I just got back from my cousin's wedding in E. Tx, but have had a rather upsetting couple of days. Denise Seibert, whom I recently asked prayers for her family, stopped by my house yesterday (Friday) evening to drop off my son's party invitations that she had designed. When I asked how things were going, she couldn't hold back the tears. Doctors on Wednesday had told Christopher and Denise that there was no point in continuing chemo.
I was absolutely shocked. I had no idea.
Evidently this is a fast turn of events. Denise was obviously falling apart, as she was on her way to pick up Christopher from work (can you believe he has never stopped working through all of this?) because he was mumbling and having trouble functioning. She was terrified. She has never allowed the scenario of losing Christopher to enter her head. It was all about fighting off the cancer and they were going to win. He is 32 years old, their son is TWO. THIS IS SO UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!
A neighbor of Denise's, who is also my client, called me today to let me know that things were not good. Christopher is in liver failure. This is likely the end. Days, maybe weeks. Hospice has been called.
If anyone is in the Frisco area and would like to pitch in, this family is in dire need of support. They need the following:
a housekeeper or someone to clean up the house
help with babysitting or a mother's helper
a lawyer--immediately
they need dinners/food/grocery
The family is in great need of financial assistance as well. Insurance is run out. Denise is facing the loss of her husband, and creditors are calling her at all hours badgering her for medical bills. THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here again is the website created by their friends, with a place to donate:
When Denise and her own family was in need, she never let on, and instead gave to those who needed it. She reached out to the Freeman family financially and emotionally (more client/friends who lost Dad this year) and to countless others. I want to show her that there is still good in the world in this time of blackness.
If nothing else please, please pray/send good thoughts.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Maternity Session that would not be
So today I was supposed to be shooting a maternity session for this beautiful couple, they were due in October. But Monday I got an email from Mom *from her hospital bed* saying she was in labor and it looked like the maternity session was a no-go. I held today for her... just in case!! And sure enough, they came home just in time. These guys were amazing and such troopers to have a home invasion just days after leaving the hospital. Born Monday, photographed that is fresh.

Poor Mom...
...I promised her a same day sneak peek with the *footnote of "unless Maddy keeps me from it". Well, if you've seen my undereye circles this week and my drained expression, you know that Maddy did indeed keep me from it. My first non-same day sneak peek, my streak is over. Bummer!

(Maybe I should start a collection of the peek a boo pictures)

This family is special as they are old friends, they were even the first session I did 2 years ago after returning from maternity leave, and then came back a few months later for baby girl's arrival. Couldn't believe how much the girls have grown, and my goodness are they stunning!!! See for yourself...

(Maybe I should start a collection of the peek a boo pictures)

Friday, September 12, 2008
And while I have a second away from Maddy...
...I should quickly post the sneak from the second of today's two sessions!
collecting the acorns
There is nothing like catching a new walker mid-step...they have THE moves.
And what I think is a new Devine Memories cuh-LASSIC.

Another sweet 1 year old. Oh man do I love me some 12 month old babies and those awesome first steps!!
Here's baby girl with Mommy and Daddy (and future baby sister, hidden in there somewhere!)

'Member him?
Last year, the blog readers here voted him 2007's Image of the Year.
Look how big I got!!
And his beautiful friend, who I just could. not. RESIST!!!!!!!
(the smile is the SAME!)

When Colleen met him today, she felt like she was meeting a celebrity. I was a little starstruck myself.
Who could forget this face?
Except for now, he's a walking talking 1 year old. A living breathing doll, we played together at the Arboretum with Mom, Dad, and some other friends.

*sigh* Best part of my job!!!!!!!
Have a great weekend and our thoughts are with those in Ike's path!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Another Baby Planner Grows up
It seems really surreal that baby Reid has come to the end of his Baby Plan, especially since Mommy(who is a close friend of mine) and I were pregnant at the same time and Reid and Maddy are only a few months apart. It's really a miracle of sorts that we made it this far, considering our last session (that prompted me to become insured!)
Here is big brother Rhett, a handsome sweetheart of an 8 yr old who loves to skateboard and has also grown up in front of my lens.
Peek a boo!

The famous peephole

Beautiful mommy with her boys
Here is big brother Rhett, a handsome sweetheart of an 8 yr old who loves to skateboard and has also grown up in front of my lens.

The famous peephole

Beautiful mommy with her boys

(and yes, this was from THIS MORNING!) (had to get that in there)
Working on answering questions...will post soon.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Now that I'm caught up...
From time to time I like to do a Q&A session with you guys. Since I'm good and caught up now, I have some time to answer questions that I haven't been able to get to via email/comments, etc. So send 'em over or post them below (tip-if you receive this feed via email, you can just hit 'reply' and your email comes to me!) and I will get as many answered as I can. Any topic- photography, photoshop, parenting (although don't bother asking me about sleeping right now...going through a "thing" with Maddy. I have no answers.)
I'm also going to try and come up with a daily theme for my blog to keep it moving. Any suggestions for post topics?
Also, if you have are on Facebook, I finally got with the program and signed if you add me, I'll send you a complimentary watermarked web file to use on your Facebook page from a past session! :) Click here for my page
Alright so send over those questions and I will do my best to answer them!
I'm also going to try and come up with a daily theme for my blog to keep it moving. Any suggestions for post topics?
Also, if you have are on Facebook, I finally got with the program and signed if you add me, I'll send you a complimentary watermarked web file to use on your Facebook page from a past session! :) Click here for my page
Alright so send over those questions and I will do my best to answer them!
Saturday, September 06, 2008
I'm on fire!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Don't Fall Over
Guess when this sneak peek is from.......THIS MORNING!
Baby Bro' Drew
And (this one HAD to be color) Big Sis' Anna
It only took a few hours to get this shot *kidding!*
One of my faves

Yes I am totally caught up on editing and hope to KEEP IT THAT WAY. My goal is same day sneak peeks throughout the entire holiday season, mostly for my own sanity and my kids' sanity :) But yes, a nice bonus for you, the client!
And my timing could not have been more perfect because this sweet family traveled 4 hours from Louisiana for this session (although last time they came from Seattle!). An exciting updated session needed to be had, since the addition of baby brother Drew! (At our last session, sister Anna was just baby's age!)
Big bro Grant

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