It was little sister's turn, but big sister wanted in....and little sis DID NOT LIKE IT!

PLEASE don't forget to send in your nominations for the Emily project before the month is up!
Q: How do you get that sparkly look in the children's eyes???
Just kidding. It's really simple- I don't use flash, and I always face the subjects towards the light source (like a window).
Q: (from a professional photographer) How do you shoot indoors without camera shake or motion blur?
A: I try to always check homes ahead of time (I've been doing this location thing long enough to know most neighborhoods in the area, and if their homes have enough light). I open every window I can get my hands on. Most of my clients have newer homes with big floor to ceiling windows, but if they don't, we use a covered patio, or my favorite trick is to open the front door and sit them in their entryway. I use a fairly high ISO because I like the grainy look, which gives me flexibility with my aperture and shutter speed. Most of the time I shoot on or around f4, wider for closeups of single subjects, and I don't let my shutter speed go lower than around 1/100 (w/ my 50mm lens, w/ my 85, I don't go lower than 1/160). I also learned just to relax - motion is natural with children. For example, this picture of a little girl dancing- slower shutter speeds illustrates the motion of her dancing.If something is happening that's really great and I don't have enough light for a decent aperture, I let my shutter speed go low and just steady my arm against a wall and hope for the best :)
Q: How do you run a busy business and raise three young children?? (OK, so that's me wondering outloud...)
A: I work at night quite a bit. My typical day starts at 5AM when I wake up and feed the baby before heading to the gym. I get back and get the kids ready and off to school. When I shoot, my wonderful assistant Pam watches Maddy for me (talk about a bonus!) My middle child goes to school on three days a week, so I spend the other two with her. On the days I don't shoot and have 2 out of 3 at school, I might get some work done in between feedings, diaper changes, and spontaneous photo sessions with the baby. But in general, after dinner, my wonderful husband takes care of bedtime and baths, and I start working and sometimes don't stop until very late. I also couldn't do it without Pam (who by the way is a professional organizer, and you can hire her too :) ) She takes care of all the details, books, packaging, etc. that I can't get to, and keeps my office (and sometimes, a bonus like my laundry room!) organized for me.
And, just to note- as I type this, my 4 year old is trying to climb up behind me in my chair, crying because I'm not letting her, and shoving a construction paper butterfly in my face while my baby screams from teething pain and my son runs around in circles dressed like Superman. Ah, the glamorous life.
Q: What lens do you shoot with?
A: Outside, 2 or less subjects- 85mm lens always. I love that thing. Indoors, 50mm lens, sometimes the 85 if it's an older child alone.
Q: What is your best advice for the average parent who is just taking snapshots but wants them to be as good as they can be?
A: Great question! When I'm shooting outdoors and I see people taking shots of each other or their kids, I always want to go up to them and say GO GET IN THE SHADE! It's the easiest way to make a picture smooth, colorful, and pleasurable to the eye. I figured I'd get kicked out of the Arboretum for that so I keep it to myself :)
Q: I hate my digital camera, because the camera doesn't actually shoot what I see in my viewfinder-there is a delay. How can I fix this?
A: Easy answer for most digital p&s, turn the screen display off and use it the old fashioned way, held up to your eye.
Q: I'm tired of point and shoot- I want a good camera that I can take pictures of my kids with, that is excellent quality but doesn't cost thousands of dollars-any suggestions?
A: Nikon D50, Nikon D70, Canon Rebel are all excellent cameras for under $1000. I'm a Nikon girl myself. (by the way I have never bought anything from Broadway Photo so can't testify to their reliability)
OK that's all for now, feel free to post further questions in the comments section and I'll try to get to them ASAP. Thanks again for all the great questions!!