A few months ago I had the privilege of meeting
The Freemans, my first ever recipients of the
Emily Project. Many of you have asked me about how they are doing and what they can do to help, which is why I am writing today.
I took the Freeman's pictures back in March, and at that time, Bill, who has terminal throat cancer, was talking my ear off and at the worst just seemed a little tired. He was playing with his kids (who are only 11, 10, and 5), laughing, upbeat, and told me all sorts of stories about how God has seen him through this scary time.
The last update I gave was that Bill did not remember our photo session. Unfortunately things have continued to decline, fairly quickly, since that time.
The Freemans took a vacation at the beginning of June to the Grand Canyon. The day before they left, they received notice that they were losing their home (Bill owns his own business and is now unable to work). They went ahead on to the Grand Canyon, and the next day Bill had to be admitted to the hospital. He had surgery but things do not look good. They are trying to keep him comfortable. He is "home" now--I put that in quotes because the day the Freemans got back, they had to leave their home and move in with Cindy's father. During the move, their lawnmower was stolen, as well as the kids' brand new fishing poles that their grandparents had given them on vacation to lift their spirits. I know it sounds like a bad movie, but this is their reality right now. As I'm sure yours are, my heart is just completely broken for Cindy, who is trying to be strong and keep up her strength for her children, and also for those three sweet children who have now lost their fishing poles, their home, and soon, their father.
My family and friends collected money to give Target gift cards to the Freemans since the kids so desperately need clothes, and now with these latest developments, I am coming to you guys, my blog readers and clients and friends, to please rally together around this sweet family and pray. If you are able, please consider donating to help offset some of their expenses. A Paypal account has been setup for the family. To donate, just go to
Paypal, click on "Send Money", and then send your payment to
wfcarefund@mindspring.com . I have over 300 blog hits per day...imagine if all 300 of you donated just $10 each...that would help so much with their medical bills, finding a new home, clothes for the children, and impending funeral expenses.
If nothing else, please pray for the three children during this impossible time. Cindy said the youngest, who is 5, climbed up into her lap at the hospital and just cried for hours. I cannot imagine what is going through his little 5 year old mind right now as he is experiencing all of this change and sadness.
If anyone you know is going through a similar situation as the Freemans, or have lost a loved one to cancer and you are in the DFW metroplex, here are some great resources we found that can help and give hope: