I wanted to share one of my latest sessions for the
Emily Project. My friend Krista, whose daughter is one of my daughter's school buddies, mentioned awhile back that her mother was undergoing major surgery to remove a mass. I, along with many of Krista's friends and family, offered to pray and added myself to an email list keeping up with her mom's progress and prognosis. Unfortunately, right after the first surgery, we received an email with some not-so good news-liposarcoma cancer, a very rare form. Nancy (or Gibby as all of her family and friends lovingly refer to her) underwent very difficult radiation treatments for some time, and just recently learned that the treatments had not helped and in fact, the cancer had grown. The family was very shaken by this news, as you can imagine, and as Krista's friend I felt so helpless for her and for the family. I was thrilled that they accepted my nomination for the Emily Project and hope that these images can be a bright light in a dark time. Nancy and her husband have made the decision to keep fighting this cancer, and she begins chemotherapy tomorrow (Thursday) morning-please, please pray for her, for her husband, and for her children and grandchildren as they come together to provide her strength.
If you would like to continue to pray for Nancy and follow her story, you can visit her Caring Bridge page
As you can see, Nancy is incredibly loved.
Three generations of beautiful women:

Their strength and love has humbled me:

A candid shot after the session was over with Gibby and her granddaughter:

Edited to add: I just received this email from Krista this morning and wanted to ask all of my readers to please help me pray for Nancy:
Dear Friends,
I really need you to stop what you are doing after you read this and say a prayer for Gibby. I just got off the phone with her and they are on their way to check her in to the hospital for chemotherapy. She is very scared and was crying. This totally breaks my heart that I cannot "fix" it for her. Pray that she some how find peace through all of this and pray that she doesn't get too sick. I love you all and please forward this, as I know I have forgotten many. Thank you all for everything. I am so grateful to you!
Wow! I knew these would be good, but they are awesome!!! Thank you so much for letting us be the September recipient of the Emily Project. We are all very grateful to you for making this photo session happen. Love, Krista
I have been in a battle with liposarcoma for 20 years. I have lots of information if you would like to contact me. Also I manage
s support group for liposarcoma patients, families and friends on the internet.One of the most important question to ask is where is she being treated? A rare cancer like liposarcoma needs the sarcoma specialists.
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