Friday, May 25, 2007

Birth Sneak Peek, Closed for Memorial Day

Just a reminder that we will be closed this weekend and Monday for Memorial Day (I'll actually be relaxing on a girls' weekend with my friends, wooo hooo!)

And for my clients who I believe are still in the hospital with their sweeties, a sneak peek before I take off! Thank you guys for honoring me with the priveledge of being here for such an amazing, momentous occasion. It was truly my pleasure!!!

Mom in labor, explaining one more time to oldest sis when she can hold her babies:

After the emergency c-section, baby Lucy is here, safe and sound
Dad comforts Mom while Baby Mac is being cleaned up and cared for
Their first ever photo together:
Dad tells Big Sis that her babies are FINALLY here!

Baby Mac hangs on to Dad's finger in the NICU:
Mom sees Mac for the first time since delievery and soaks up every second
Mom gets to touch Baby Lucy's sweet little fingers before she is wheeled out of the NICU for the night.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Oh yeah. Done. You're taking the pics when it is my turn. Good work!